A eco tourist place

Definition :

           Eco tourism is defined as ,'Responsible travel to the natural areas by the tourists conserving the environment and the local habitat'.
       Eco tourism has become the need in the today's World, as the increasing level of pollution causing the Global Warming are totally destroying the natural places and the natural habitats. In such conditions it has now become the need to conserve these natural habitats and leads towards their developing .To preserve this a new term as now emerge which is 'ECO TOURISM' .

  •            Ecotourism is about uniting conservations, increasing the natural habitat ,communities and sustainable travel.
  •           Building cultural and environmental awareness and respect towards it.
  •            Providing positive response to visitors ,hosters ,as well as the environment.
  •             Increasing the financial benefits towards the natural conservation.

           Providing the overall development to the local area and the authority.

Before the introduction of Eco tourism
Eco tourism has not taken its roots in the ancient times, it is a newly involved term and its implementation has gained momentum now -a-days. Before it, the tourism had a bad face, the tourist were literally destroying the natural places, increasing the amount of litter in particular places .Due to which the extinction of the natural habitat has gained momentum. Considering the matters , the local authorities started taking steps towards its conservation. 
Garbage gathered in the natural habitating places .

Litter gathered in the local areas .

After the implementation of the Eco Tourism

Cleaning process done by local authorities at the Sea Shores

As the Eco Tourism  got introduced , the world started looking as a new place. The implementation gained momentum  and the natural habitat went on increasing which indirectly benefited the visitors and the host.

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 Though the Eco Tourism has started  ,but still it has to increase its speed, then only the extinction of natural habitat will be recovered at a speedy  rate .
